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Quantum Minds takes Data, Consent and Privacy very seriously and believes in full transparency at all times with its customers and potential customers.
Please use the links below to access full policies, terms, and applicable "Opt Out" Request forms.
By submitting this form, You agree to Quantum Minds' "Terms of Service" and Privacy Policy. You can find a copy of our "Terms" by clicking this link :
By submitting this form you agree to receive electronic communications from Quantum Minds and its AI Powered marketing tools which include voice calling and sms messaging.
You can reply "STOP" at any time, on any channel, Quantum Minds communicates through, including but not limited to email, any social media messaging, chat, and sms messaging. Replying "STOP" will "Opt Out" of all future communication and place you on an internal Do Not Call List.
You can also opt out, or request a copy of your data profile by filling out the form from at the following link:
Quantum Minds has copies and links to their Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, Cookie/Data Policy and End User Agreement on their webpage at :
If you have any questions or concerns please contact their Executive Team at:
[email protected]
Have a great day!